


今回は北京大学のDr Long Liをお招きし「Channels and insertases in action for protein translocation」をテーマに講演していただきます。

日時 2024年6月10日(月) 16:00~17:00(15:45開場)
場所 京都産業大学 15号館1階15102セミナー室
交通 ※キャンパス内に駐車場はありません。公共交通機関をご利用ください。
備考 事前申込不要・入場無料
主催 京都産業大学 生命科学部


Dr Long Li(中国 北京大学)


「Channels and insertases in action for protein translocation」


Cells and their organelles are physically defined by their unique lipid membrane structures, in which hydrophobic, flexible, and tightly packed lipids form bilayers that are impermeable to both biological macromolecules (e.g., proteins and nucleic acids) and small molecules (e.g., water and inorganic ions). More than 30% of cellular proteins have to be translocated across lipid membranes before they reach the right places to exert their functions. Understanding how proteins are moved across membranes has been one of the central questions in cell biology. Through years of intensive research, a variety of protein machinery has been discovered in different cellular membranes to facilitate protein translocation. My lab has used biochemical and structural approaches to study the mechanism of the classical Sec channel for translocation of secretory and membrane proteins and the TIM complexes for translocation of mitochondrial proteins across the inner membrane. In this talk, I will discuss the similarities and differences between these systems, with a particular focus on the substrate-engaged states of the translocases.