


We are actively recruiting faculty members to enhance the English education curriculum and teaching program (English) in the Department of International Cultural Studies, Faculty of Cultural Studies.
Preparations are underway to transform the current Department of International Cultural Studies into the Department of Cultural Exploration (tentative name) in April 2026. If established, the successful candidate will be assigned to the Department of Cultural Exploration (tentative name) from 2026.



英語科目、文化学部海外異文化研修(留学プログラム)コーディネーター、英語科教育法、演習 等

Subjects to be taught English language courses, coordinator of cultural study abroad program in the Faculty of Cultural Studies, 「英語科教育法」, seminar courses, etc.
募集人員 1名
Number of positions 1 person
Job type Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
Salary and allowances will be paid in accordance with the University's salary regulations
勤務形態 常勤(助教採用の場合は任期あり)
Employment type Full-time position (Assistant Professor will be appointed for a fixed term)

  1. 該当研究分野で、博士の学位、あるいはそれと同等以上の研究業績を有すること。
  2. 英語教育学(応用言語学)を主たる研究分野とし、この分野における学術論文または著書があること。
  3. 中学校英語・高等学校英語の教員免許状取得に必要な科目(教科及び教科の指導法に関する科目など)を担当できること。
  4. 学部及び学科の趣旨を理解し、学内業務(学部以外の業務を含む)にも協力的であること。
  5. 採用後は、京都市あるいはその近辺に居住が可能であること。
  6. 大学もしくはそれに相当する機関において3年以上の教育歴を有することが望ましい。
  7. 国籍は問わないが、校務を遂⾏するに⼗分な⽇本語運⽤能⼒を有する者。
Qualifications The successful candidate must have social common sense and an understanding of the university's founding spirit, and meet the following conditions.
  • The applicant must have a doctoral degree or equivalent, or higher research achievement in the relevant research field.
  • The applicant's main field of research should be English pedagogy (applied linguistics), and the applicant should have published academic papers or books in this field.
  • The applicant must be able to teach the subjects required for obtaining teaching certificates for junior high school English and high school English.
  • The applicant should have a good understanding of the aims of the faculty and the department, and should be cooperative in internal work (including non-faculty work).
  • The applicant must be able to live in Kyoto or its vicinity after employment.
  • It is preferable that the applicant have at least three years of education at a university or equivalent.
  • The applicant must have sufficient Japanese language ability to perform school duties.
応募期限 2024年5月30日(木)必着
Application period 2024/May/30th(Thu) Deadline for receipt
着任時期 2025年4月1日
Starting date 2025/April/1st


  1. 個人調書(履歴書・研究業績・教育活動歴等含む)〔指定様式、写真貼付〕 1通
  2. 主要な著書・研究論文3点(現物、抜き刷りまたはコピー)を各3部と、それぞれの要約(300字程度:A4判 様式任意)を各3部
  3. 着任後の教育研究に対する抱負(2,000字程度:A4判 様式任意) 
  4. 学位を証明できるもの(学位記のコピー可)。博士満期退学や博士論文審査中等の場合は、修士の学位取得の証明書を提出すること。
  5. 応募者の所見を伺える方2名の氏名・連絡先(メールアドレス等)・応募者との関係を明記した書類を提出すること。なお、第2次選考に進まれた場合、この2名の方からの推薦状の提出を依頼してください(様式任意。推薦者が厳封したもの)。
  6. 「個人調書等応募書類一式の返却について」を印刷し、応募書類・業績の返却希望の有無を記載。

One copy of「個⼈調書」 (including CV, research achievements, teaching experiences, etc.) [designated form, photo attached] ※Please refer to 「学⻑及び教員の個⼈調書(記⼊例)および(別紙)」 to complete the form.
Three copies each of three major books or research papers (original, reprints or photocopies) and three copieseach of a summary for each publication (about 300 characters; A4 size, any format).
・A short essay describing aspirations for education and research after employment (approximately 2,000characters: A4 size, any format).
・Proof of degree (a copy of the degree certificate is acceptable). In the case of an applicant who has left theuniversity after completion of his/her course work or is in the process of reviewing a doctoral thesis, submit acertificate of acquisition of a master's degree.
Please submit the names and contact information (e-mail addresses, etc.) of two persons who can give theiropinions on the applicant and their relationship to the applicant. If the applicant is selected in the second round,please request letters of recommendation from these two persons (any form, sealed by the referents).

書類送付先 Address to send application documents

京都産業大学 文化学部事務室 宛


Kamigamo, Motoyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi
Office of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University
※Please write in red on the front of the envelope 「⽂化学部専任教員(英語教育学(応⽤⾔語学))応募書類在中」and send it by registered mail, letter-pack, or other traceable methods). Applications must arrive by mail no later than the application deadline above.

選考方法 Selection process


・First selection: Document screening
・Second selection: Mock class, interview on one of the following days:
June 29th (Sat), 30th (Sun), July 6th (Sat), 7th (Sun), 13th (Sat), 14th (Sun), 2024
・Executive interview
Transportation expenses for interviews will be paid according to university regulations.

採否の決定 notification of result


As soon as the selection procedure is completed, the applicant will be notified directly (in principle, by email).

その他 Other

  1. 教授、准教授の定年は65歳に達した年度末です。
  2. 助教は、「京都産業大学任期制教員に関する規程」により5年の任期制(再任不可)です。任期満了により雇用契約は終了しますが、任期満了までに審査により准教授に採用される場合があります。
  3. 給与は、本学の給与規程によります。
  4. 保険等:健康保険・年金(日本私立学校振興・共済事業団)、雇用保険、労働者災害補償保険に加入。
  5. 京都産業大学は、男女共同参画社会基本法の精神に則り、積極的に男女共同参画を推進しています。多数の女性研究者の積極的な応募を期待します。新規の採用人事について、業績および資格にかかわる評価において同等と認められる場合には、女性を優先的に採用します。            
  6. 応募に際してご提出いただいた個人情報は、本学の規程に従い適切に管理し、選考および採用の目的以外には使用いたしません。
1. The retirement age for professors and associate professors is the end of the academic year in which they reach 65 years of age.
2. Assistant Professors are appointed for 5 years (non-renewable) according to the 「京都産業⼤学任期制教員に関する規程」. Initial contracts expire at the end of the term of employment, but upon examination, employees may be hired as Associate Professors before the expiration of the original term of employment.
3. Salary will be decided in accordance with the University's salary regulations.
4. Insurance: Health insurance, pension (⽇本私⽴学校振興・共済事業団), employment insurance, and workers' accident compensation insurance.
5.Kyoto Sangyo University actively promotes gender equality in accordance with the spirit of the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society. We hope that many female researchers will apply. When it comes to new hires, we willgive priority to hiring women if they are deemed to be of equal quality in performance and qualificationevaluations.
6.Personal information submitted when applying will be managed appropriately in accordance with university regulations and will not be used for purposes other than selection and recruitment.
〒603-8555 京都市北区上賀茂本山