工学研究科生物工学専攻のオントン パーワレッドさんが

 本学の留学生で工学研究科生物工学専攻のオントン パーワレッドさんが、平成26年度国費留学生として採用されました。オントンさんには、平成26年4月より奨学金が支給されます。国費留学生として、今後更なる活躍が期待されます。


オントン パーワレッドさん

My name is Pawared Ontong. I was graduated B.Sc. and M.S. from Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Now, I’m studying in Kyoto Sangyo University as a Ph.D. student. I'm greatly honored to have received the Japanese Government Scholarship and absolutely appreciate the help of Professor Itano (Faculty of Life Science). This scholarship will help me a great deal in doing research and finishing up the Ph.D. program here at Kyoto Sangyo University.
The number of cancer patients has been increasing for the past several years in Thailand as well as Japan. I proposed the study of “cancer stress resistance” as a research project of the Japanese Government Scholarship. Cancer stress resistance is now a major problem facing current cancer treatment. Therefore, elucidating mechanisms for stress resistance of cancer cells will be crucial to provides new opportunities for therapeutic intervention. This research topic is now on-going in Prof. Itano’s laboratory. Accordingly, it was my pleasure to participate in this research and I will devote myself to accomplish the aim.
I plan for future; I will go back to Thailand to find a position in Chiang Mai University and register as a lecturer. Because CMU and KSU recently established the Memorandum of Understanding, I will try to develop the cooperation between CMU and KSU in the near future. Furthermore, I will introduce KSU to student who wants to do research and continue study in Japan. Lastly, I believed that this scholarship will be an impetus for me to do my research and follow my intentions.


 私は、オントン パーワレッドです。タイのチェンマイ大学で学士と修士を終え、いま、京都産業大学の博士課程で学んでいます。今回、国費奨学金を受給できることを大変名誉に感じています。また、応募にあたり多大なる支援を頂いた総合生命科学部の板野教授には本当に感謝しています。この奨学金を受給することで、京都産業大学での研究および、博士課程の修了にむけて集中することができそうです。

