What is in it for eigo gakka students? ‘Tokubetsu Eigo’ has all levels and many areas including skills, content and even kyoshoku-related courses.
What is in it for eigo gakka students? ‘Tokubetsu Eigo’ has all levels and many areas including skills, content and even kyoshoku-related courses.
When you first enter Sandai, if you don’t have confidence in your English or you want to get your English to as high a level as possible quickly, in addition to the required intensive classes, if you take 5 or more ‘Tokubetsu Eigo’ classes a week, you will be studying active English the same amount of hours as if you went to an intensive language course overseas. Do that for a semester and you will be happily surprised at the results!
Don’t know where to go for the short-term study abroad program at the end of first year? The ‘Tokubetsu Eigo’ short-term study abroad preparation classes are made just for this. In addition, the ‘Eigoken’ classes give the opportunity to learn about English-speaking countries to help you make a more informed choice. Make sure you take study abroad reflection when you get back to make the most of the experience you had overseas and have a look at the intermediate 2 credit ~studies classes where you can learn about the country you went to in more detail! In addition, the ‘Eigoken’ classes give the opportunity to learn about English-speaking countries to help you make a more informed choice. The curriculum in TE makes the combination of the ryugakumake class and the ‘Eigoken’ classes helpful, not just the ryugakumae class on its own.
Don’t know where to go for the short-term study abroad program at the end of first year? The ‘Tokubetsu Eigo’ short-term study abroad preparation classes are made just for this. In addition, the ‘Eigoken’ classes give the opportunity to learn about English-speaking countries to help you make a more informed choice. Make sure you take study abroad reflection when you get back to make the most of the experience you had overseas and have a look at the intermediate 2 credit ~studies classes where you can learn about the country you went to in more detail! In addition, the ‘Eigoken’ classes give the opportunity to learn about English-speaking countries to help you make a more informed choice. The curriculum in TE makes the combination of the ryugakumake class and the ‘Eigoken’ classes helpful, not just the ryugakumae class on its own.
長期留学を希望している場合には、特別英語「長期留学前準備」Long-Term Study Abroad Preparationの履修を検討してみてください。留学生活を充実した実り多いものにするためには、留学前に英語力を伸ばしておくことに加え、日本と留学先の文化の違い、海外で起こりうる問題への対処法などを身につけておくことが必要です。こうした点を包括的に学ぶための科目です。
If you decide to study abroad long-term, the better your English is, the more choices you have and the more rich the experience will be. In addition, if you can go on “Koukan Ryugaku” (full exchange) which requires high-level English skills and a good GPA, you will also save a lot of money. You can put together your own intensive program including English test preparation classes to help you do all of this. We also strongly recommen the long-term study abroad preparation class for this. It is one of our most popular classes!
When you come back from study abroad, one of the hardest things to do is to maintain your level of English. ‘Tokubetsu Eigo’ offers a wide range of high level classes which, in combination with 英語講義 in GET, give you many opportunities to keep the level of English you worked so hard to get.
When you come back from study abroad, one of the hardest things to do is to maintain your level of English. ‘Tokubetsu Eigo’ offers a wide range of high level classes which, in combination with 英語講義 in GET, give you many opportunities to keep the level of English you worked so hard to get.
Once you get to third year and fourth year, the number of English classes you have to take goes down and so it is up to you to make your own program. It is here that the breadth of choice in ‘Tokubetsu Eigo’ begins to work for you. Study what you want in the way you want so that when you graduate, you will be able to say with confidence you made the most of the English-learning possibilities while you were at Sandai.
Once you get to third year and fourth year, the number of English classes you have to take goes down and so it is up to you to make your own program. It is here that the breadth of choice in ‘Tokubetsu Eigo’ begins to work for you. Study what you want in the way you want so that when you graduate, you will be able to say with confidence you made the most of the English-learning possibilities while you were at Sandai.