教員紹介マレス エマニュエル
文化学部 京都文化学科 准教授
- 学位
- 博士(工学)(京都工芸繊維大学)Ph.D in Engineering (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
- 専門分野
- 日本建築史、日本庭園史 History of Japanese Architecture and Gardens
Born in France, in 1978.
After completing my master’s degree in 2002 at the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations in Paris, I took my Ph.D. at the Kyoto Institute of Technology in 2006. I started to work as an editor for a publishing company in Kyoto, then I became a research fellow in different institutions. Firstly at the East Asian Civilizations Research Center in Paris, secondly at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature in Kyoto, and finally at the Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties. My main research themes are Japanese culture and especially the history of Japanese gardens.
People often ask me: “Why were you interested in Japan in the first place?”, “What made you start learning Japanese?” or “What made you want to study about Japanese culture?” To tell you the truth, I was not particularly strong in any field when I graduated from high school, so I just chose to start a completely new subject of study at the university. Of course, I cannot deny that my choice may have been influenced by all the Japanese animation and manga I knew as a child and also by the practice of aikido that I started when I got in junior high school, but I could never imagine that one day I would be researching the history of Japanese architecture and gardens! Looking back, the circumstances that led up to it seem mysterious, but isn’t this delving into unknown worlds the true pleasure of research?
Born in France, in 1978.
After completing my master’s degree in 2002 at the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations in Paris, I took my Ph.D. at the Kyoto Institute of Technology in 2006. I started to work as an editor for a publishing company in Kyoto, then I became a research fellow in different institutions. Firstly at the East Asian Civilizations Research Center in Paris, secondly at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature in Kyoto, and finally at the Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties. My main research themes are Japanese culture and especially the history of Japanese gardens.
People often ask me: “Why were you interested in Japan in the first place?”, “What made you start learning Japanese?” or “What made you want to study about Japanese culture?” To tell you the truth, I was not particularly strong in any field when I graduated from high school, so I just chose to start a completely new subject of study at the university. Of course, I cannot deny that my choice may have been influenced by all the Japanese animation and manga I knew as a child and also by the practice of aikido that I started when I got in junior high school, but I could never imagine that one day I would be researching the history of Japanese architecture and gardens! Looking back, the circumstances that led up to it seem mysterious, but isn’t this delving into unknown worlds the true pleasure of research?
まずは日本庭園史ですが、20 世紀に活躍した歴史家たちの庭園観と歴史観に興味があります。彼らはどういう方法で、どういう美意識で日本庭園を評価し、その歴史を編纂したのか。言い換えれば、日本庭園像がどのように形成され、またそれは現在を生きる我々の庭園の見方にどのような影響を与えているのかを理解しようとしています。とりわけ、森蘊(もり・おさむ、1905-1988)という昭和の歴史家がの残した資料の整理を通して、研究を進めています。
I have two main research themes. One is the history of Japanese gardens and the other is the cultural interaction between Japanese and French gardens.
Starting with the history of Japanese gardens, my main interest lies in the 20th-century historians’ view on gardens and their history. In what way and with what kind of aesthetic sense did they evaluate Japanese gardens, and how did they compile their history? In other words, I am trying to understand how the image they portrayed of the Japanese gardens affected our perception of them up until now. My ongoing research is focused on the historian and landscape designer Osamu Mori (1905-1988) by compiling documents he left behind.
My second research theme, the cultural interactions of Japanese and French gardens, is aiming to create a bridge between Japan and France. For this purpose, I invited the French garden designer Gilles Clement for a conference and I worked on the planning and production of a documentary film “The Garden in Movement” about him and his visit to Japan. I also published recently a book “ The Gardener and the Traveler”, based on the translation of his conference in Japanese.
まずは日本庭園史ですが、20 世紀に活躍した歴史家たちの庭園観と歴史観に興味があります。彼らはどういう方法で、どういう美意識で日本庭園を評価し、その歴史を編纂したのか。言い換えれば、日本庭園像がどのように形成され、またそれは現在を生きる我々の庭園の見方にどのような影響を与えているのかを理解しようとしています。とりわけ、森蘊(もり・おさむ、1905-1988)という昭和の歴史家がの残した資料の整理を通して、研究を進めています。
I have two main research themes. One is the history of Japanese gardens and the other is the cultural interaction between Japanese and French gardens.
Starting with the history of Japanese gardens, my main interest lies in the 20th-century historians’ view on gardens and their history. In what way and with what kind of aesthetic sense did they evaluate Japanese gardens, and how did they compile their history? In other words, I am trying to understand how the image they portrayed of the Japanese gardens affected our perception of them up until now. My ongoing research is focused on the historian and landscape designer Osamu Mori (1905-1988) by compiling documents he left behind.
My second research theme, the cultural interactions of Japanese and French gardens, is aiming to create a bridge between Japan and France. For this purpose, I invited the French garden designer Gilles Clement for a conference and I worked on the planning and production of a documentary film “The Garden in Movement” about him and his visit to Japan. I also published recently a book “ The Gardener and the Traveler”, based on the translation of his conference in Japanese.
『縁側から庭へ フランスからの京都回顧録』あいり出版、2014年(139頁)
ジル・クレマン(著)秋山研吉(訳)エマニュエル・マレス(編)『庭師と旅人 「動いている庭」から「第三風景」へ』あいり出版、2021年(125ページ)
岡本洋子(著)エマニュエル・マレス/上瀬奈緒子(編)『Out of the World 武道は世界を駆けめぐる』あいり出版、2019年(192頁)
エマニュエル・マレス「奈良市における森蘊の作庭活動」『奈良における庭園の総合的調査』奈良文化財研究所 2022年
Emmanuel Marès, “The Bridge: Iconic symbol of Japanese Gardens Inside and Outside Japan” in The Journal of the North American Japanese Garden Association No.6, 2019 (p.15-21)
『昭和の作庭記 —森蘊の足跡を辿る—』(57分、2019年制作) 澤崎賢一(撮影)、エマニュエル・マレス(企画・制作)。2019年7月20日、文化財庭園保存技術者協議会の研修会(京都)にて初公開。
『動いている庭』(85分/日本・フランス/2016/日本語、フランス語の字幕付)澤崎賢一(監督)、山内朋樹(アドバイザー)、エマニュエル・マレス(企画・制作)。2016 年 2月13日、第 8回恵比寿映像祭にて初公開。上映会やトークイベントを順次開催。
NHKWORLD Explore Japan / The Alluring Beauty of Japanese Gardens (Aired : December 24, 2021)
2015年11月 日本庭園学会奨励賞受賞
2013年より 日本庭園学会(理事・学会渉外委員会委員)
『縁側から庭へ フランスからの京都回顧録』あいり出版、2014年(139頁)
ジル・クレマン(著)秋山研吉(訳)エマニュエル・マレス(編)『庭師と旅人 「動いている庭」から「第三風景」へ』あいり出版、2021年(125ページ)
岡本洋子(著)エマニュエル・マレス/上瀬奈緒子(編)『Out of the World 武道は世界を駆けめぐる』あいり出版、2019年(192頁)
エマニュエル・マレス「奈良市における森蘊の作庭活動」『奈良における庭園の総合的調査』奈良文化財研究所 2022年
Emmanuel Marès, “The Bridge: Iconic symbol of Japanese Gardens Inside and Outside Japan” in The Journal of the North American Japanese Garden Association No.6, 2019 (p.15-21)
『昭和の作庭記 —森蘊の足跡を辿る—』(57分、2019年制作) 澤崎賢一(撮影)、エマニュエル・マレス(企画・制作)。2019年7月20日、文化財庭園保存技術者協議会の研修会(京都)にて初公開。
『動いている庭』(85分/日本・フランス/2016/日本語、フランス語の字幕付)澤崎賢一(監督)、山内朋樹(アドバイザー)、エマニュエル・マレス(企画・制作)。2016 年 2月13日、第 8回恵比寿映像祭にて初公開。上映会やトークイベントを順次開催。
NHKWORLD Explore Japan / The Alluring Beauty of Japanese Gardens (Aired : December 24, 2021)
2015年11月 日本庭園学会奨励賞受賞
2013年より 日本庭園学会(理事・学会渉外委員会委員)
The first things that come to mind when someone talks about “Japanese gardens” or “Kyoto gardens” are famous temple gardens like Kinkakuji, Ginkakuji or Ryoanji, aren’t they?
These are all works of the past and they may seem completely separated from our everyday lives but actually, they are valuable places to get a better understanding of the relationship between humans and nature from ancient times up until today. Setting the Japanese gardens as a starting point, it is possible to broaden our perspective on topics such as culture and nature, the landscape or the global environmental crisis.
The first things that come to mind when someone talks about “Japanese gardens” or “Kyoto gardens” are famous temple gardens like Kinkakuji, Ginkakuji or Ryoanji, aren’t they?
These are all works of the past and they may seem completely separated from our everyday lives but actually, they are valuable places to get a better understanding of the relationship between humans and nature from ancient times up until today. Setting the Japanese gardens as a starting point, it is possible to broaden our perspective on topics such as culture and nature, the landscape or the global environmental crisis.
The gardens of Kyoto are countless and as the proverb says “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Try to visit as many gardens as you can while you are in Kyoto Sangyo University and while you are at it, try not to use only your eyes but all five of your senses.
During your short period of student life please try to accumulate a lot of hands-on experiences in order to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of things.
The gardens of Kyoto are countless and as the proverb says “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Try to visit as many gardens as you can while you are in Kyoto Sangyo University and while you are at it, try not to use only your eyes but all five of your senses.
During your short period of student life please try to accumulate a lot of hands-on experiences in order to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of things.