個別的理性と集合的理性について—ウクライナ戦争から考える 2022.04.19









On individual and collective state self-interest regarding the Ukraine war

According to the theory of IR realism, states should do what is in their national interests, whether it is ethical to do so or not. Basically, the ends justify the means. The most important thing for states is generally to protect their autonomy in the international system, as well as look after the well-being of their citizens.

In reality, states do not always prioritize the well-being of their citizens. Further, how best to protect their autonomy and promote state interests is something that is typically decided by leaders and powerful groups, whose opinions about these issues differ from those of the majority of citizens.

Today’s Russia provides an example of these points. Vladimir Putin has decided that Russian national interests require getting more control over Ukrainian territory through a war of aggression. It is unimportant to him、 that many people in his country disagree, or that the war is damaging the wellbeing of many of his citizens and destroying the welfare and interests of Ukrainian citizens.

Other countries, including the United States, Britain, Germany, and Japan, have been strongly criticizing the war. It breaks international laws banning aggressive war and is ethically wrong. These countries have been providing money and arms and moral support for Ukraine and have implemented a wide variety of economic and financial sanctions on Russia in the aim of pressuring it to withdraw from Ukraine.

However, they have decided that it is not in their national interests to actually send their own forces to fight against Russia. Nor will they do anything to directly prevent Russia from attacking Ukraine, such as by creating a no-fly zone over it.

Of course, Ukraine is not a NATO ally, and there is no formal obligation on them to do so, although doing so would likely be an ethically good act. Another reason they hesitate to act is that Vladimir Putin has suggested that countries providing direct war assistance may themselves be targeted by Russia, perhaps even with nuclear weapons. No country’s leadership is likely to accept the risk of their own country being attacked with nuclear weapons, even in order to do something ethically good like helping to defend Ukraine. After all, the primary job of national leaders is to look after their own country’s interests and peoples, which usually means trying to avoid getting attacked.

However, even though it may be individually rational for individual states not to directly help Ukraine’s defense efforts, it is not obvious that this is collectively rational for all states. Consider that if Russia’s aggressive war and nuclear blackmail are successful, then what happens next? Some leaders may figure that aggressive war is a possible option for them to pursue their national interests and expand their territories, so long as they have nuclear weapons to deter other powers from moving against them. That could lead, in other words, to a situation that is even worse than today’s situation.

In short, if Russian forces look like being successful in the current war, and in changing the international status quo regarding Ukraine’s sovereignty, then an international response even stronger than the current response may become desirable. The question is, how far will states be able to act in their collective interest, when it is not identical with their individual national interests? The realist answer is, probably not much. We will have to wait to find out whether they are correct.


Fleischer Studios, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

マコーマック ノア 教授
