The English Department offers the TOEFL to first- and second-year students. Students can also receive credit for earning high scores on language tests (see curriculum guidelines).
Receiving a high score early in your university career is also important for planning long-term study abroad. Tokubetsu Eigo offers IELTS preparation classes that you can take starting from the spring semester of your first year.
留学に必要なIELTS を受験するために大学からのサポートを受けることもできます。国際交流センターでは検定試験に関する説明会や勉強会のみならず、年に数回学内で試験を実施しています。受験可能な様々な英語関連の語学試験についてはそちらでご確認ください。図書館だけでなくサギタリウス館1階のグローバル・コモンズも、自習学習に活用できます。試験用の教材の他、ビデオルームが完備されています。
The university can also support you in taking the IELTS, which is required for study abroad. The Center for International Programs offers informational and study sessions, in addition to several opportunities per year to take the test on campus. For more information on the various English language exams, please check resources there. Both the library and the Global Commons (Sagittarius, first floor) can be used for self-study. In addition to exam materials, you can also use video rooms.