Basic Global Science Course (GSC)’s Curriculum

Enhancing communication proficiency to present and discuss specialized fields of research in English

The Faculties of Science, Computer Science and Engineering, and Life Sciences at Kyoto Sangyo University (KSU) established a “Global Science Course (GSC)” in 2014. The GSC at KSU aims to foster global professionals in the fields of science and engineering with a newly designed curriculum emphasizing a solid command of English. Students in the GSC at KSU are expected to be able to understand their specialized fields of learning in English and communicate ideas and research findings via writing, presentations, and engagement in dialogue in English.

Overview and Distinctive Features of the Global Science Course (GSC)

Registration for Global Science Course (GSC)

1. Enrollment Capacity/Limit

Approximately 20 percent of all incoming freshmen of Faculty of Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, and Faculty of Life Sciences.

2. Selection

In accordance with the Admission Policy of the respective Faculty, successful GSC students will be selected on the basis of the basic academic aptitude (placement examination and TOEIC score) and application documents (statement of purpose and interview screening).

3. Period of Selection

In mid-June during the First Semester, an orientation session is held. Application deadline is set at the end of June. At the beginning of July, final selection decisions are made and notified to the applicants. In September, the official GSC curriculum starts when Special English (Summer Camp) Course is offered to all the registered GSC students.

4. Curriculum

  • All GSC students of Faculty of Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, and Faculty of Life Sciences must complete the Special English (Summer Camp) course as the common required course.
  • Faculty of Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, and Faculty of Life Sciences have respective Diploma Policy and Curriculum Policy. In accordance with them, the three Faculties implement respective Global Science Course (GSC) curriculum.
  • In order to complete the GSC requirements, 26 credits are required including Special English (Summer Camp) course, Global Science Camp, and other courses required for graduation by the respective Faculty.

5. GSC Registration Guide