Faculty Members

Faculty supervisors are marked with an asterisk (*).

(Alphabetical order / Incumbent, 2024)


Position NameArea and Subject Research Theme(s)
* Hirochika Akaoka Business management Management Regarding Safety, Usability, and Efficiency
* Gen Fukutomi Marketing Research Marketing,Sales and Service Management
* Takehisa Hashimoto Accounting Bookkeeping, Financial Accounting and accounting History
* Yusuke Ibuki Corporate Communications Strategy and Organization of Advertising and PR Agencies, Corporate Communications
  Hakaru Iguchi International Business Strategy  International Business, Family Business
* Yu Ishimitsu Financial Analysis Business Valuation and Financial Accounting
* Masataka Ito Management Accounting Management Accounting, Budgetary Control
* Kimihisa Komura Business and Society Interaction between business and society
* Takahito Kondo Cost Management Management control, Performance measurement
* Ryoichi Kubo Venture Business Innovaiton, Strategic Processes in Venture Business
* Ku Seunghwan Innovation Management 1. Innovation Strategy Management
2. Global supply chain and production network
3. Analysis of Factors Affecting the Decline of Japanese Firms' Competitiveness
* Kazuaki Matsumoto Japanese Business History Japanese Business & Entrepreneurial History
* Shinya Matsushita Financial Accounting Financial Accounting System, Accounting Information System
* Masami Minowa Theory of Management Strategy The Business Model as a Source of Competitive Advantage
* Kentaro Miyanaga Public Governance and Society Governance for Sustainable Development
* Yasufumi Morinaga Design Management Design Management
  Kenji Nakada Taxation, Accounting Search for the appropriate tax system in Japan, as a part of the globe
* Toru Nakai Financial Management SMEs and Finance
* Mikihisa Nakano Production Management Supply-Chain Management
Kiheiji Nishida Statistical Science Statistical Science
* Yoko Okabe Information Organization Organizational Information System, Globalization of Japanese Corporations
* Takuzou Osugi Inclusive business Inclusive business, Social enterprise, Social business, ICT4D
Yoshimi Shibano Strategic Management Purpose-Driven Management Systems
* Ken-ichi Shinohara Employment Relations Study of work organizations in the perspective of international comparison
* Yoshihiko Suzawa Insurance Theory Risk Management and Finance in Organizational Management
* Wataru Uemoto Services Marketing Employee and Customer Behavior in Service Encounters
* Tsuguyoshi Ueno American Business and Labor History 1. The History of the Safety Movement and the Personnel Management in the Progressive Period in the U.S.
2. Environmental Business History.
* Ryuji Wakuta Consumer Behavior Repeat Purchase and Customer Retention
* Lee Wei Social Research Analysis Theory to guide empirical sociological research
* Hiroyuki Yoshida History of Marketing Strategy Dynamic Analysis of Strategic Behavior in the Marketing of Japanese Companies
* Ichiro Yoshioka Accounting and Auditing Auditing of Financial Statements, Accounting Ethic
* Miwa Yukimachi International Accounting International accounting, Studies on Corporate profit adjustment(with a central focus on inventory assets)
* Keiko Zaima Environmental Management Theoretical and Empirical Researches on the Formation of an Environmentally Conscious Society