Faculty Members

Faculty supervisors are marked with an asterisk (*).

(Alphabetical order / Incumbent, 2024)


PositionNameArea and SubjectResearch Theme(s)
Saori Chiba Microeconomics Communication, Information and Organization in Microeconomic Theory
* Hideaki Fujii Economics of Erergy Resourses Study of Energy Economics and Sustainable Development
* Tadashi Fukui Economics of Social Security Public Policy for Heterogeneous Individuals who Confront Lifecycle Uncertainty
* Fujio Goto Theory of Economic Systems Comparison of Various Economic Systems Including North Korea
* Yudai HigashiI Labor Economics Empirical Analysis of Local Labor Markets, Job Search, and Matching
* Shigeru Hirota Regional Economiscs Regional Economics, Health and Economy
* Yoshio Iida Public Economics Experimental and theoretical study of the voluntary contribution to a public good
Akihiko Ikeda Macroeconomics Business Cycles and Financial Crises in Emerging Market Economies
Maria Ikeda Asian Economics Southeast Asian sustainable development and economic geography
* Tomoyuki Kamo Microeconomics General Equilibrium Theory, Mathematical Economics
* Yoshitaka Kawagoshi Theory of International Trade Theory of International Trade and Multinational firms
* Hiroshi Kitamura Applied Microeconomics Market Diffusion and Exclusive dealing
* Yushi Kunugi Tourism Economics Empirical analysis on tourism economics
* Takashi Kuramoto Regional Economiscs Field Studies and Empirical Analysis for Regional Public Policy (TownPlanning)
* Takamitsu kurita Econometrics Time Series Econometrics
Miki Matsuo Economic Policy Human capital, fertility, and macroeconomics dymamics
* Yoshiko Nishimura Finance Financial behaviour of households
* Hidenori (Sobei) Oda Microeconomics Growth and Income Distribution Theory, Experimental Economics, Experimental Philosophy, Computability
* Yoshifumi Okawa International Economics Theoretical study on the impact of trade policy on economic and social welfare
* Tatsuhiko Onishi Theory of Small-and-medium-sized Enterprises Study various problems in local industries from the viewpoint of the theory of small business
* Hitoshi Osaka Development Economics Economic Growth in Asia
Cong Pan Managerial Economics Theoretical Analysis of Consumer Decision Making
* Kentaro Saito European Economic History Labour history of Britain, Comparative studies in labour history
* Koji Sakai Monetary and Financial Economics Corporate Finance, Banking, and Financial Markets
* Shizuka Sekita Japanese Economy Empirical Analysis of Household Behavior
* Yurika Shiozu Theory of Japanese Economy Economic growth and upbringing of various provider of social security and local public goods in population decline society
* Kota Sugahara Local Public Finance Regional Competition under Decentralization, Interregional Disparity in Fiscal Power
* Shiro Takeda Enviromental Economics Climate Change Policy (Emissions Trading System), Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
* Toshiaki Tamaki Economic History History of North European Trade from the 16th through 18th Centuries
* Akira Terai Macroeconomics Macroeconomics and the Japanese Economy, Inflation, Expectations
* Tomoyoshi Terasaki Urban Economics Analysis of urban structure,Analysis of regional economy
* Futoshi Yamauchi Economic History of Japan Economic History of Early-Modern and Modern Rural Society in Japan
* Hiroyuki Yashio Public Finance, Tax Policy Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Taxes and Public Finance on the Economy
Arihiro Yoshimura Statistics・Econometrics Econometric theory and non-semiparametric inference
* Cen Zhiwei Chinese Economic Theory Theoretical and empirical analysis of China's economic growth and economic cycle