Faculty Members

Faculty supervisors are marked with an asterisk (*).

(Alphabetical order / Incumbent, 2024)


Position NameArea and Subject Research Theme(s)
* Sachiko Hamano Complex Analysis Function theory of several complex variables, Potential theory
* Yu Ito Probability Theory Stochastic analysis, Rough path analysis
* Hiroyuki Miyoshi Theoretical Computer Science Theoretical Computer Science and related topics, Category Theory, Philosophy of Computation
* Atsushi Murase Number Theory Theory of Automorphic Forms of Several Variables
* Yusuke Nakajima Ring theory and Representation theory Commutative ring theory, Representation theory of algebras, Singularity theory
* Ryuya Namba Stochastic processes Stochastic processes, limit theorems
* Kei Nishi Applied Analysis Dynamics of localized patterns in reaction-diffusion systems
* Yuta Ogata Differential Geometry Curve Theory, Surface Theory
* Tatsushi Tanaka Applied Algebra Number Theory, Multiple Zeta Values 
* Masahiro Uno Algebra (1)Representation theory of algebraic structures
(2)Methods of instruction in mathematics at school
* Fumihiro Ushitaki Topology (1) Theory of Topological Transformation Groups and Related Topics
(2) Development of Teachers' Training Programs in Arithmetic and Mathematics
* Tatsuya Watanabe Functional Analysis Research on elliptic PDEs by the variational method
* Hiroki Yagishita Nonlinear Analysis Qualitative Theory of Nonlinear Diffusion Equations
* Shuji Yamada Low-Dimensional Topology Knot Theory and Theory of Three-Dimensional Manifolds


Position NameArea and Subject Research Theme(s)
* Hiroki Ando Planetary atmospheric sciences Radio occultation measurements of terrestrial planetary atmospheres
* Arika Higuchi Celestial Mechanics Oribital evolution of small bodies in the Solar System and the Galaxy
* Yutaka Itoh Magnetism Magnetism and superconductivity
* Yasutaka Iwashita Softmatter Physics Experimental Research on Soft Matter
* Hideyo Kawakita Astronomy Chemical evolution of the Galaxy, origin of the solar system
* Makoto Kishimoto Observational Astrophysics Supermassive black hole systems through super high spatial resolution observations
* Masayuki Niiyama Hadron Physics Experimental study of exotic hadrons
* Takahiro Nishimichi Cosmology Cosmological mysteries from the fusion of data and theory
* Kazunori Ogohara Geophysical Statistical analysis of the Mars atmosphere, Deep learning applications in meteorology
* Takashi Ohmori Energy, Environmental Science Clean Energy Technology of Global Warming
* Hideo Sagawa Remote sensing of planetary atmosphere Observational study of planetary atmosphere
* Kuniyasu Saitoh Non-equilibrium Physics Theoretical and numerical studies on nonequilibrium systems
* Kouji Segawa Quantum Functional Materials Experimental research on topological materials
* Susumu Shimomura Condensed Matter Physics Research on Structural Properties of Condensed Matter using X-ray Scattering Techniques
* Shinzo Suzuki Molecular Materials Science Physical Chemistry of Carbon Nanostructures
* Masahiro Takagi Planetary Meteorology Dynamics and radiative transfer process of the Venus atmosphere
* Koutarou Takaya Meteorological dynamics Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Extreme climate, Climate variability
* Masayuki Tanigawa Non-Linear Optics Fundamentals of Spectroscopy, Optical materials, Nanostructures
* Kazuyuki Uchida Computational Material Science Computational Materials Science, Nano-Science
* Junko Yamagata-Sekihara Hadron-Nuclear Theory Theoretical research on hadron properties in nuclear medium
* Hiroshi Yamagami Solid-State Electron Theory Theoretical Research on Electronic Structure of Strongly-Correlated f-Electron Systems
* Atsunori Yonehara Astrophysics Gravitational Lensing Astronomy