総合生命科学部 バイオフォーラム2017開催(9月4日)


日時 2017年9月4日(月)【第1部】16:00~17:00  【第2部】17:00~18:00 (15:45開場)
場所 京都産業大学 15号館1階15102セミナー室
交通 ※キャンパス内に駐車場はありません。公共交通機関をご利用ください。
備考 事前申込不要・入場無料

第1部:Dr. William E. Balch(The Scripps Research Institute(TSRI), USA)

「Understanding Genetic Variation in the Complex Landscapes of Protein Misfolding and Trafficking Disease」

Capturing the impact of genetic variation contributing to biological diversity remains a daunting challenge in the face of expanding human genome information. To understand the environment sensitive transformation of the genotype to the phenotype that is unique to each one of us, we build population-based landscapes to explore the biologic organization of the protein fold and its function in the context of human biology at atomic resolution. Emergent landscape design elements revealed by sequence changes in human protein misfolding diseases reveal a remarkable level of variation sensitive protein-fold dynamics that impact stability, endomembrane trafficking and function. Population-based landscapes reveal hidden properties of the protein fold tuned by cell and tissue specific interactive communities, providing guidance for application of precision medicine to clinical management of the individual.

第2部:Dr. Sandra Schmid(UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA)

「Adaptive clathrin-mediated endocytosis and signaling in cancer cells」

Cell surface receptor uptake via clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) and subsequent intracellular sorting for degradation or recycling regulates the strength and specificity of downstream signaling. Signaling, in turn, modulates early endocytic trafficking. This reciprocal regulation of signaling and endocytosis provides opportunities for the establishment of feedback loops that allow cancer cells to 'adapt' their endocytic trafficking and alter surface-derived signals to enhance cell survival, migration and proliferation.