Educational/Research Objectives and Policies - Faculty of Foreign Studies

Department of International Relations

Educational and Research Objectives

The mission of the Department of International Relations is to nurture individuals who can achieve success in a rapidly changing international environment, forge connections between Japan and the world, and create new value. To this end, we aim to cultivate people with a challenging spirit to contribute to the peace and happiness of all humanity by acquiring rich education along with specialized academic expertise and theory on international relations, proficiency in English as an international communication method, and dissemination skills using information technology.


Diploma Policy

Real international relations not only undergo dynamic change on a constant basis but also develop in a complex manner, as various agencies with different objectives interact with one another in pursuit of a variety of interests. Accordingly, students who study international relations and then seek to utilize that knowledge in the future need to develop various qualities, abilities, and skills, and the knowledge, ability, and learning attitude the students acquire while in school must be continuously refined after graduation and nurtured as intangible assets that motivate them to live autonomously.

To ensure that students acquire the following qualities based on the school philosophy while in school, the Department of International Relations confers a “bachelor’s degree (in international relations)” on students who have completed the curriculum and fulfilled the graduation requirements established by the Department of International Relations.

  1. The ability to correctly understand various events occurring in today’s international society using the acquired specialized knowledge and theory in the field of international relations and the, ability to develop one’s own point of view having understood the principles, values, and norms related to the universality of human rights, dignity of individuals, peace, democracy, justice, value relativism, cultural pluralism, and sustainability.
  2. Ability to appropriately gather information on various events occurring in today’s international community and to identify issues that need to be resolved by analyzing that information using the acquired knowledge and theory of international relations and logical and systematic thinking.
  3. Ability to compile solutions to self-identified issues from a variety of perspectives, while collaborating with other people who have different values, thinking, and behavior, and convey issues and solutions to people around the world using languages, such as Japanese or English, and information technology.
  4. Determination to actively contribute to human peace and happiness in international society and the ability and willingness to fulfill one’s role in international society based on a sense of morality and ethics for interacting with others on an equal footing and equal respect, by deeply understanding the tradition, history, culture, religion, and values of Japan and other countries,

Curriculum Policy

To achieve the goals set out in the Diploma Policy (for approving graduation and conferring degrees), the Department of International Relations has systematically organized courses such as general education courses and specialized education courses, and has offered courses with an appropriate combination of lectures, seminars, and practical learning, which are designed to foster broad education and basic expertise.

The system and structure of the curriculum is laid out explicitly using a numbering system and curriculum map. Moreover, the curriculum is inspected based on students’ perceptions of their own development and their opinions on individual classes and the curriculum as a whole, captured through the “Survey on Feelings about Learning Outcomes” conducted by all faculties at the end of each semester. The curriculum provided by the department is optimized through self-inspection and self-evaluation of the educational outcomes.

Details of the educational content, educational methods, and evaluation of learning outcomes are outlined below:

1. Educational Content

We offer general education courses, which are divided into “human science education courses,” “language education courses,” “physical education courses,” and “career development support education courses” as stipulated in the Curriculum Policy of Kyoto Sangyo University in which students receive instructions aimed at developing wide-ranging education befitting the kind of individuals described in our Diploma Policy who can be active in the international community.

For our specialized education courses, we have established three course groupings: “International Relations Courses,” “Transnational Courses,” and “Regional Courses.” In each course grouping, we have developed a curriculum that progresses gradually and systematically from basic courses on each subject area in international relations to highly specialized courses.

  • Students take lecture courses on various fields and acquire academic methods that leverage the interdisciplinary characteristics of international studies.
  • Students acquire highly specialized English skills, which are essential for studying specialized courses and conducting discussions in English.
  • Students conduct “Overseas Field Research” as a required course in the first year, and by studying English overseas in classes tailored to their individual levels and participating in practical learning programs, students come in contact with different cultures, further strengthening their interest in international society and learning about international relations at a deeper level.
  • Students study their specialized field through a four-year curriculum comprised of various educational methods, and, in our seminar courses, receive instruction on research, presentations, and writing reports (theses) in this field.
  • By taking courses offered by other departments in the Faculty of Foreign Studies, students develop practical language proficiency based on systematic understanding of each language.
  • To be able to respond flexibly to the various issues facing society, students engage in learning based on integration of their own specialized field of study and other closely related fields.

2. Educational Methods

An appropriate combination of lectures, seminars, and practical training is provided, depending on the educational goals of each course. In the lecture courses, students systematically acquire knowledge and understanding. In the seminar courses, students deepen their understanding of the knowledge they have acquired and consolidate their thoughts, while developing their own point of view through exchange of opinion with others. In addition, in courses where students submit reports (theses) or give research presentations, students develop skills for conveying their learning achievements to third parties.

To encourage students to actively dig deeper into the knowledge acquired through our specialized education and improve their logical thinking skills, problem solving ability, and information dissemination ability, we provide a range of research seminars that incorporate active learning methods.

In addition, we have established initiatives for encouraging communication between students and teachers during or outside each class, or through extracurricular activities, as well as communication among teachers, and we conduct class management that reflects students’ opinions and situations. We also take steps to revitalize learning by encouraging students to take part in group study or report meetings in the learning commons outside class hours.

3. Evaluation of Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of each course are evaluated according to the academic assessment method stipulated in the syllabus of each course. We indicate clear standards for the assessment of grades and ensure that students are able to confirm their level of achievement for knowledge and understanding.

Admission Policy

The Department of International Relations aims to nurture individuals who match up to the school philosophy of Kyoto Sangyo University by providing education in international relations and in various languages and their related subjects. Specifically, we endeavor to educate individuals who are trustable and active in the international community, both in Japan as well as overseas, having acquired specialized knowledge in the field of international relations and practical language proficiency and having deepened their cross-cultural understanding and comprehension of the challenges facing the international community today. To ensure that all students in the department grow into the kind of individuals described above through the four-year curriculum, the Department of International Relations seeks students with the following qualities:

  1. Interest in various events occurring in international relations and in today’s international society
  2. Wide interest in the countries and regions of the world and international relations and willingness to be active in and contribute to the international community
  3. Willingness to attain proficiency in language study and engage in cross-cultural communication
  4. Continuous learning habit and basic academic ability necessary for studying international relations and foreign languages

As stipulated in the Admission Policy of Kyoto Sangyo University, students are selected using a variety of methods, including the non-conventional method of AO (Admissions Office) Entrance Exam.