Cooperative & Work-Integrated Education Philosophy

Career-formation support program

The concept of "Cooperative & Work-Integrated Education", of combining class-room based career education with practical work experience is still new to Japan. KSU has been at the forefront in incorporating it into its curriculum as it was one the first to offer the North American style of Co-op and is competitive with global cooperative education standards. Through the various Career Education programs offered, students are given the chance to gain real-life work experience in specialized studies combined with internships or other fieldwork. Furthermore, they develop practical skills that allow them to integrate their scholastic learning.

Career-Formation Support Program

Career-formation support program

The career-formation support program at KSU promotes the integration and solid development of a student’s character, problem solving abilities, specialized skills and practical technical skills. This begins from the moment students first arrive at the university, as they are enrolled in introductory coop courses, and follows through all the way through to graduation and securing a career.

On-Campus/Off-Campus Structure- A System of Layers

KSUs unique career-formation support program is based on the concept of integrating students' on-campus (scholastic) and off-campus (field-based) studies. This layering system of alternating back and forth between learning theory (on-campus) and practicing during field-based studies (off-campus) enables students to utilize their scholastic knowledge on a deeper level.