A study abroad consultation session

A study abroad consultation session was opened in the Global Commons, Sagittarius Kan over lunch times on October 4 and 5. 33 students who had studied in 14 countries including the US, Canada, the UK, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Czech Rep. Germany, France, Finland, Poland, Malta, China and Taiwan offered advice on life and study in those countries. Approximately 100 students considering study abroad visited booths and listened intently about the experiences of the advisors. The sessions enabled students who were vague about what study abroad entailed were able to clarify many points. For those students who had already decided to go on study abroad, this was an opportunity to receive advice on fundamental issues that they need to be aware of.

Amongst the booths was one for the “TOBITATE! (Leap for Tomorrow) Study Abroad Initiative”. TOBITATE is not only for programs at overseas education institutes, but has become a special scholarship program that supports various study abroad platforms including industry based internships and projects initiated by students. To date, 4 KSU students have been granted Tobitate scholarships. More than 10 students sought advice from previous Tobitate recipients about prepare a plan and find suitable hosts. KSU students who have received Tobitate grants are actively working to increase the number of successful recipients and it is expected that an increasing number of KSU students will apply.