理学部 物理科学科談話会のお知らせ(2012.07.18)


日時 2012年7月18日 16:30〜
場所 京都産業大学理学部会議室(2号館3階)
講演者 Frank Pollmann氏(Max Planck Institute, Dresden)
題目 Detection of Symmetry Protected Topological Phases in 1D
対象 教職員・大学院生


A topological phase is a phase of matter which cannot be characterized by a local order parameter. It has been shown that gapped phases in 1D systems can be completely characterized using tools related to projective representations of the symmetry groups. An example of a symmetry protected topological phase is the Haldane phase of S = 1 chains. Here the phase is protected by any of the following symmetries: dihedral group of pi-rotations about two orthogonal axes, time-reversal symmetry, or bond centered inversion symmetry. We introduce non-local order parameters for each case. These non-local order parameters provide a practical tool for numerically detecting these non-trivial phases using, e.g., Density- Matrix Renormalization Group or Monte Carlo methods.
